From left to right, Spiral Trace Activity where the user draws a spiral to quantify tremors and dysgraphia. Finger tapping activity where a user makes an L and O shape to quantify bradykinesia (slowness of movement). Gait activity where the user connects to the ParkinPlay sensor and walks around to characterize current gait.
From Left to Right, Medication Log where a user can add a medication, and log whether the medication was taken or skipped. Sleep Log functionality that allows a user enter the quality and quantity of sleep. Mood Log functionality where a user can enter their mood.
The gait sensor is designed to be compact enough while providing top-notch capabilities. It is rechargeable with a battery level indicator and can be connected to a mobile app via Bluetooth Low Energy.
The gait sensor is waist-mounted with rechargeable power input. Angular velocity and acceleration collected in real-time on the app and used to calculate four gait parameters: swing time, cadence, stride length, and gait speed.